Brave Work Solutions
Brave Work Solutions has been known for years a reliable party in the field of providing high-quality technical manpower. Brave Work Solutions takes a flexible approach to provide certainty to its clients at all times for the deployment of skilled technical staff in a high-quality manner.
Thanks to our strategy, we have been a solid partner choice for many years for anyone with ambitions in the technical field. Brave Work Solutions can relieve you from the search of flexible workers; detachment, temporary employment, recruitment and selection. We are there for you and we offer you full parnership in flexible work.
Our objectives
Obviously you must have noticed that the Dutch labour market has been getting tighter with the years. The demand for technical manpower is greater than the market can supply. Despite the scarcity of experienced technical manpower and the associated challenges, Brave Work Solutions can meet the needs of its partners by efficiently and timely anticipating our business operations on supply and demand.
The Netherlands is traditionally known for its labour Quality. Brave Work maintains this quality by competitively recruiting manpower even abroad now and in the future to retrain according to Dutch standards.